Larsen Park - English version



Our new clients are developers who deal with suburban real estate in the business and premium segments. We had to work with business-plus class real estate on the shore of the Mozhaisk reservoir.

The suburban real estate market has stagnated and the key problem that the client approached us with was: to whom and how to sell in the new economic reality?

We conducted in-depth interviews with market experts and desk research of trends, as well as analyzed the offers and communications of competitors. Due to this we were able to figure out the architecture of choice in the business-plus segment. In the future, we relied on it while preparing information materials, and the client used it in sales.

Then we conducted 24 interviews with consumers who had purchased real estate business-class properties within the last year. We analyzed their experience to find out which drivers and barriers exist on this path.

As a result of the analysis, we identified four main images of an ideal country house, each of which had its own purchase scenario. We decided to choose two scenarios that do not contradict each other for this case:

They want landscaped areas according to a personal project for recreation surrounded with decent people.

They dream of a comfortable and safe world where they can spend time with their loved ones.

The other two scenarios didn't fit our product.


Even before the start of work, the client had a clear understanding of the product:

relatively small houses;

efficient and functional layouts;

eco-friendly materials;

minimum maintenance costs.

When we interviewed potential buyers, they often described their ideal home in terms of coziness, comfort and enjoying the simple pleasures. They also described the design that is very similar to the Scandinavian - minimalism, comfort and functionality. Both our product and its target audience fit perfectly on this concept. Therefore, we decided to take a closer look at the Scandinavian lifestyle and hygge - a special local concept of comfort, well-being and contentment.

We fit into an already existing and well-known idea with the standards of Scandinavian construction, that match our product.

On the research basis we were able to answer the main questions of the client: to whom to sell and how to convince the buyer? Taking into account the answers, we and our client finalized the product to bring it in line with the expectations of the target audience.

This is how we formulated a new standard for the construction of suburban real estate in the business-plus segment and called it Optimum class. We decided to define the brand as a comfortable and safe world for recreation and solitude with the closest people.

The essence is a combination of pure nature and technology for a comfortable and safe life.

The big idea of the new brand is an ecosystem for family holidays.

For the name of the village we were looking for a simple word that, on the one hand, would be easy to read, and on the other hand, would have a Scandinavian sound. This is how Larsen Park was born. Larsen is the most common surname in Scandinavia (like Ivanov in Russia), and the word “park” is one of the key identifiers that gives an understanding of the product.

The slogan of global positioning is an ecosystem for recreation and development.

Additional slogan - No stress territory. It will also be used in the social network in the form of a hashtag along with a photo of beautiful views of the village.

As a basis for the logo, we considered a simple and understandable wave symbol, which conveys the main advantage of the product - its location near the water.

Water and sun were used as the main elements of the style. They allow you to quickly create corporate identity media in any format in combination with branded frames, recognizable fonts and a color palette.

In addition, water and the sun are the main drivers for buying suburban real estate, and we decided to put them in the identity to show the audience: we do not just have a deal with a cottage village, we have a deal with resort village.

We immediately formed the pictographic style and developed a list of pictograms for use on various corporate identity media.

A separate stage of work is the adaptation of the corporate identity for digital. We have developed a website, design for the brand's social networks and basic presentations. This part of the project deserved special attention, and we put it in a separate case.

We found many interesting details and phrases that went into our visual concept at the stage of studying hygge. They are great for decorating a sales office and as nice gifts for potential buyers.

We fell in love with literally every detail of this project and will be happy to work with new similar tasks. So if you have a similar request, feel free to contact us at Opencore!


Russian version

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