Recently we faced a very complicated but very exciting story. The client came to us with a request to create a new brand in the category of dry soils in the high middle price segment. The task is very ambitious — the market is highly competitive, deeply mature and turning into an aging one.

What is the best way to do branding in such a tight conservative market? As always, we start with qualitative volumetric research. This is how we did it:
conducted series of in-depth interviews to find suitable target groups;
analyzed the competitive environment in the domestic and foreign markets, and as a result compiled the full map of competing brands;
and also dig into tons of useful information for product development, packaging and further design of marketing communications.

As a result, we collected portraits of consumers and identified their motives and scenario roles while making purchases. One of the role models, which we defined as «Caring Mom», was the most frequently encountered during the survey; it was also the most emotional in relation to plants and the choice of products for them. Here we found fertile ground for branding!

The target audience wants to take care, build and create a flourishing home garden. The brand, in turn, offers useful products that provide a quick positive effect and help create a beautiful «green world».
So we got the character of the brand — the flower fairy. Fairies are graceful, beautiful creatures that do magic of nature, create «green worlds» and help people take care of plants and nature. The brand describes itself as a plant care product created for caring creators of beautiful gardens.

This is how the brand’s metaphor appeared: the magic elixir. Consequently, the essence of the brand is an elixir for better growth and flowering of plants. The brand describes itself as a plant care product created for caring creators of beautiful gardens. And the mission of the brand is to produce an ecological product that helps consumers create their ideal world.
The metaphor of the brand VIVID
the magic elixir
We decided on the character and metaphor and chose a style that corresponded to the describe — eco-friendly, modern, aesthetic, with light and even airy dynamics. The logo turned out to be as light and playful as our character: unique handwritten style and a caring fairy specially designed for this project.

We worked out the packaging design in great detail; it creates a powerful and noticeable brand block on the shelf and it attracts attention and does not allow a potential buyer to pass by. And despite the fact that there is only one type of soil in the plans so far, we made a design with the expectation of creating a whole line of products for specific types of plants — for this it’s just needed to replace the photo of flowers at the top of the package.

In addition, we did not stop at the packaging — we went a little further than this task and developed branded graphics and animated scenes with our character. This concept with a flower fairy reduces the creative effort, as it is easy to come up with new ideas for communication and for further work with the brand.

If you are faced with the task of developing a strong brand from scratch, come to us at Opencore. We will create a brand that will confidently take a place on store shelves and in the hearts of your consumers!

Russian version


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