A new client asked us to develop a brand of "smart" substrates and fertilizers. What is the feature of this product? High-tech substrates and fertilizers are fundamentally different from ordinary peat and other soil mixtures. They are designed to grow crops with a modern method that replaces the soil with a substrate, the sun with artificial light, an automatic irrigation system supplies water and fertilizer to the plants, and a ventilation system controls the temperature.

The method significantly accelerates the growth of plants, increases fruiting and guarantees a stable result without harm to the crops themselves. At the same time, due to the localization of production, the cost of these substrates is 2–3 times lower than the price of foreign analogues, but 2 times higher than the cost of ordinary peat.

We conducted research on the target audience before brand developing and identified groups for further work. The core of the target audience was agronomists, who controlled the entire production cycle within agricultural holdings, and an additional audience was individual growers, who were the first to test new substrates and form an opinion about them on the market.

Then we studied competitors and market trends. After analyzing the results, we found out that first of all both audience groups needed a transparent scheme for growing plants, which they could trust. However, there is no brand on the market that would inspire confidence in the target audience, cover its need for efficiency improvement and at the same time keep the cultivation process profitable for agricultural holdings.

Based on the findings from the research phase, we formed a brand platform.


The Formula for Efficient Crop Production


Innovative, technological, environmentally friendly, concise


Mathematical equation

Based on the platform, we developed the rest of the brand.


Multiplant = multiply + plant

The name in English is associated with the products of foreign manufacturers - market leaders, while it is easy to read even for those who do not speak English.

Global positioning slogan:

Guaranteed Growth Formula

Designation of additional functionality:

add complex

There is an analogy with the root system of plants in the lettering of the logo. The letter “t” in the form of the mathematical symbol "tau" and the designation of the slogan in the form of a mathematical formula emphasize the brand's metaphor.

( guaranteed + growth + formula )

The texture of the leaves was used as the basis for the packaging design. It was selected and cropped in such a way that it was impossible to determine which plant was depicted on the package. This was critically important, as almost any plant could be grown on the basis of our products.

We placed an add complex after the product name, and we re-emphasized the brand's metaphor through graphic design.

We've made lettering and color coding for each SKU to help the customer identify the product in the store.

Branded graphics resemble a complex mathematical equation in which the main characteristics of the product are encrypted: efficiency, guarantee and so on.

An active brand block, which no competitor can resist, is formed by active branded graphics and package letters.

All the main identifiers were placed on the side of the package, helping to accurately identify the product even when stacked.

In addition to packaging, we also developed a set of corporate identity elements. We created a separate set of branded signs for exhibitions and test areas at points of sale.

We designed a branded transport for carrying products - give the way to a big harvest!

We didn’t forget about the consultants’ promo uniform — a strict jumpsuit in the brand’s corporate colors with an unobtrusive design.

A brand is more than just a logo. It is about associations and images that settle in the mind of the consumer from the very first touch with the product. If you want to put the right meanings into the product, write to us at Opencore - we are always open to new projects!


Russian version

SVG Modal background
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