The state corporation Rosatom called us at Opencore for a difficult task: to develop a visual identification system of this magnitude for the 75th anniversary of the Russian nuclear industry celebration .

The short notice of the project complicated the task: in just a month and a half, we had to do everything, including the development of guidelines and all the necessary layouts. The concept had to be adapted to an incredibly large number of communication formats at various online and offline events.

The slogan of the anniversary “ahead of time” had already been developed before us - it clearly set the main idea. Now we had to find the key idea that would form the basis of the whole concept. However, taking into account the deadlinest, we slightly changed the usual order of work for such projects and together with the Department of Design and Communications of Rosatom decided to focus on the idea of Suprematism.

Suprematism is a trend in avant-garde, which was founded by Kazimir Malevich at the beginning of the 20th century. It is based on a combination of simple geometric shapes that form complex and deep compositions. Suprematism was one of the leaders of the abstract art of its time, far ahead of it.

Taking into consideration the tight deadlines and complexity of the project, we needed to build the entire design system on one element - the key identifier. In order to solve this problem, we developed a three-dimensional version of the 75th anniversary sign, which can be used on various backgrounds. Orbitals were added as additional elements, which unobtrusively refer to the image of the atom.

We have prepared several versions of the sign due to the variety of media.

As a result, we spent about two weeks developing the visual concept, and then proceeded to the most time-consuming stage - testing the performance of design elements and compositional solutions on different media.

We have tested more than a hundred of the most diverse formats to avoid problems for the customer with adaptation to media in the future. In the process, we identified and eliminated all the shortcomings that were not obvious at the stage of developing the idea.

We achieved such a high degree of concept variability that any designer could accurately adapt corporate identity elements to media of any format.

Working with the concept is simple and convenient, regardless of the proportions and information load of the media. This is especially important in large projects, where it is impossible to fully control the skills of designers on site.

The concept was adapted for corporate identity electronic media. Additionally, we compiled a list of recommendations for animating its elements and creating video content.

At the last stage, we described the rules and regulations, on the basis of which hundreds of local subsidiaries of Rosatom developed thousands of different carriers throughout 2020.

We paid special attention to the nativeness of the rules that are included in the guideline. It helps save hundreds of man-hours spent developing new media.

The management of the state corporation has already highly appreciated this project. We were able to meet the tight deadlines, even taking into account the peculiarities of working with organizations of this size: a long chain of decision-making, approvals and a rather large volume of comments.

Russian version


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