Greenplanet — a project created as part of the renovation of the Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill. The brand is developing in three directions: paper production, biofuel production and pellet production. Pellets are fuels in the form of small compressed pellets that produce more heat and burn longer than wood or coal.

Vyborg Pulp and Paper Mill wants to expand and supply these products not only to the local market, but also abroad. Our task was to develop a new brand for this project.

We conducted a series of in-depth interviews with the owners and key executives of the company. We found out that the company pays special attention to the rational use of natural resources, and we need to help bring this value to end consumers. After analyzing the results of the study, we compiled a brief, according to which all verbal and visual communications were subsequently created.

Taking into account the environmental agenda of the brand, we proposed the name Greenplanet, which most accurately reflects the ideas and values ​​of the company. On the basis of this, we developed a slogan: "In collaboration with nature."

The name of the company was naturally reflected in the trademark, in which we combined the images of the Earth and green spaces. The sign turned out to be independent and adaptive, it could be used in large size and placed on any media. Its lines are perfectly echoed by the font we chose – simple and sans-serif.

Selective UV varnishing was used to decorate some of the corporate identity carriers. This design element looks great on envelopes, folders and other office media.

The corporate identity system looks minimalistic and business-like, but at the same time clearly conveys the key message of the brand.

The corporate style is simple enough to adapt to new tasks, but even in this case, we developed rules for its application. For example, we wrote down the important details of the location of the leaf and all the indents from its stem to the edges of the media.

According to the principles of this system, all carriers were designed - minimalism is preserved everywhere with a clear adherence to the main message.

Additionally, we developed design elements for brand enterprises. Everything is within the framework of the concept: an abundance of silver color and accent green details.

All components of the design are easily combined with each other and harmoniously adjust to the desired format.

However, our main result is that the new corporate identity definitely works for the brand: it is immediately recognized, it openly conveys values and remains in the memory of the audience for a long time.


Russian version

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