Rusnano is a domestic state company and one of the largest technology investors in the country. N:OW agency and we were given the task of updating the visual communications of the brand, but at the same time keeping the current version of the sign and logo without changes and modifications.

Rusnano corporate identity was developed in 2011, and innovative for the state corporation visual communications had already become obsolete in nine years. However, the corporate identity elements have already become so recognizable, that if it were to be completely replaced, they would have had to re-accumulate this powerful nine-years builded asset.

We studied how the current style was used and transformed and identified key points for its improvements before updating the communications. We started with corporate graphics, dividing the process into two parts: working with color and with the form of graphics.

Working with color

There was simultaneous use of seven colors in corporate graphics. We could not change the colors themselves, so we forcibly limited their number to five, which simplified the graphics. We kept only those colors that are better combined and improved the brand's innovative image.

Working with the form

Initially, the graphics consisted of complex lines. We have greatly simplified them and created a diverse and flexible system - now you can use not only the option with a multi-colored background, but also options with a solid background and colored lines or lines created using printing technologies. It added versatility to the design system and allowed it to be adapted to a variety of tasks without losing its recognizability.

If you want to make a design system universal, you need to test it on many formats at the development stage and consider all possible options of use and transformation.

Next we got to the pictograms. It is important to note that Rusnano produces a huge amount of communication materials. Sometimes they do not have the opportunity to develop all the pictograms from scratch, strictly following the exact rules, and they have to use ready-made sets. Therefore, we developed a simple system by which they could select suitable ready-made pictograms and modify them to our standard with simple techniques.

The standard includes three characteristics for selection:

low degree of detail;

rounding corners;

average line thickness.

We added a colored dot to the standard pictograms and received Rusnano branded pictography. These pictograms can be used on corporate colors - for each of them there are rules that indicate appropriate color of dots.

We have developed colored “accent” dots as an additional branding element that is used along with key headings and complements the updated recognizable visual image.

We focused on versatility and ease of scaling while developing the infographic system. We built the system on a modular grid of dots of two sizes - small and large. The system allows you to create infographics of any scale - from simple graphics to complex multi-stage diagrams.

As usual we asl tested the developed system on real examples to make sure it works and is easy to use.

As part of the project, we adapted the developed visual concept to a large number of formats, different proportions and degrees of information load.

We separately worked out the entire necessary list of digital media, including the design of social networks and the principles for designing posts within them. It became possible to easily brand any photo images through a flexible system of work with corporate graphics.

We also made rules for developing banners on the corporate website and third-party online platforms.

We also did not forget about branded merch. And now Rusnano employees are provided with bright branded hoodies and other accessories.

We have packed all the rules for using corporate identity into a native guideline, which allows each employee to understand how to maintain a single brand image.

Eventually, we prepared a detailed catalog with all the necessary elements of corporate identity - from the sign and corporate colors to various elements of corporate graphics, in various color models: RGB, CMYK, PANTONE. It greatly simplified the work with corporate identity and relieved the internal design department.

Russian version

SVG Modal background
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