The National Project «Ecology» is a Russian development project aimed at improving the environment and health of citizens. There was carried out a large-scale campaign to collect waste paper in order to involve young people in the current ecological agenda.
Our task was to develop a corporate identity for the event in the shortest possible time, which will help to attract as many children and teenagers as possible to participate. We implemented the project together with the UP communication agency.

All that we received from the customer was the name «BoomBattle» and information about the procedure for holding the action. Schools across the country competed in the amount of waste paper collected as part of the Paper Battle. For schoolchildren the main motivation for participation was the opportunity to personally communicate with their idol.
The age of the target audience is what we started from. Schoolchildren of all ages were involved in the campaign, so we wanted to include a modern identity with a bold and bright character in the corporate identity. In addition, it was important to use the hashtag for social networks in the concept.

Then we delved into the topic of global recycling and, in particular, recycling of waste paper. We distilled the essence of this process: the work of caring people, which gives waste a second life and turns it into new high-quality products. This image became the foundation for the transition to the development of visual communications.
The time to complete the project was severely limited, so we needed to develop a logo that would complete the task of branding all corporate identity carriers. We took the name of the campaign with a hashtag as the basis for the logo and placed it in a ring symbolizing the processing cycle. We created a custom graffiti typeface with a bold and well-recognized lettering for the inscription #BOOMBATTLE.

There is the ring rotates and converts waste paper into new paper products — notebooks, notepads and cardboard boxes in the digital version. Thus, the logo shows that each participant of the Paper Battle participates in the important process of recycling and contributes to the protection of the environment.

The campaign was painted in several corporate colors, among which the leading one was bright green — the color of the national project «Ecology». Including it in the concept was one of the requirements of the customer.
We also created masks for social networks to help the participants of BoomBattle. The main element is a logo revolving around the head, which attracts attention to the publication at first sight. These masks allowed schoolchildren to create dynamic content and easily attract friends and acquaintances to the campaign.
In addition, we created a design for the corporate identity media: T-shirts, hoodies, vehicles for waste paper removal and diplomas for rewarding participants.

The corporate identity we developed became the basis for the landing page, which contained useful information about the conditions of the promotion, and later lists of winners with links to distinguished publications.
The results of BoomBattle were truly impressive. The distinctive feature of the project played a big part — bringing environmental principles and ideas to young people in their usual online format.

The audience coverage of BoomBattle in social networks exceeded 63 million people, and more than 6,000 publications were created on the topic of the action according to the estimates of the organizers. Within just two weeks 385,000 schoolchildren from 67 regions of Russia collected 604,578 kg of waste paper.

And the best part for the participants was support by an incredible number of bloggers, stars and media people. Through BoomBattle many schoolchildren were able to attract the attention of idols in social networks. The celebrities, who supported their fans, included: IOWA, Nyusha, Anton Shipulin, Nikolai Drozdov, Dmitry Guberniev, Olga Buzova, Kirill Kolesnikov, Yulia Savicheva, Alexander Kozlov and others.


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